Suffolk Construction, the contractor for the South Station Air Rights Project, will continue daytime and overnight construction at South Station. Daytime construction to create replacement Atlantic Avenue and Summer Street access ramps, as well as the closing of the outdoor ramp connecting Platform A to the bus terminal are necessary to establish the project construction zones. Overnight signal conduit work will also be performed on Tracks 3 & 4. (Tracks 1 & 2 were completed last week).
Upcoming Activity in Atlantic Avenue Area
Construction of a new ramp on Atlantic Avenue, which will replace the existing ramp, is scheduled to be completed next week. Once this replacement ramp is in place, the existing Atlantic Avenue switchback ramp will be closed to expand the construction zone. Access to and from South Station from Atlantic Avenue will be maintained by the new, replacement ramp.
Suffolk Construction has closed the outdoor switchback ramp that provides access to and from Platform A (adjacent to Track 1), near the South Station Bus Terminal. Closing the outdoor ramp is necessary for the contractor to finish establishing the Atlantic Avenue construction zone. Access will be maintained to and from Platform A through an existing ramp in the South Station Bus Terminal.
During the next few weeks, passersby may notice demolition work near the entrance to South Station on Atlantic Avenue, including the demolition of the now-closed bike cage. Pedestrian travel will be maintained at all times and clearly delineated.
Upcoming Activity in Summer Street Area
Construction to establish a new ramp from Summer Street to South Station will begin next week. Pedestrian access to the doors entering and exiting the South Station headhouse toward the plaza area will be maintained at all times during this construction.
Upcoming Activity Near Track 13/Post Office
Overnight work near Platform H, adjacent to Track 13, has been completed to establish a construction zone in that area.
In the next few weeks, riders may notice the demolition of the canopy adjacent to Track 13, within the construction zone. Actual demolition work will be completed at night during Track 13 track outages.
Upcoming Activity on Platforms
A new Keolis dispatch trailer structure will be installed this week, adjacent to Track 10 beside the loading dock. Once the new trailer is in place, the existing trailer, currently located at the end of Tracks 1 & 2, will be removed.